Traveling Tips: Balancing It All

Wrapping up over four weeks of being on the move and I'm so happy to be on my couch eating out of my own fridge! When I asked for your input on how this travel post could be most benefiial, there was quite a bit of feedback (thank you!) and I intend to be thorough, but also try to cultivate and reinforce the fact that vacations are FUN and should be a deviation from our normal routine by definition! 

China and Bali Blog Post is coming--- all the details on where we went, stayed, hikes, excursions, restaurants, etc! Thank you for being interested about the travel side of things!

Hiking the unrestored Great Wall in China

Hiking the unrestored Great Wall in China


You have to be realistic with your expectations of keeping up with your workouts and eating, but you also have to have discipline. Some personalities deal with one more than other, so evaluate that for yourself. I have NO trouble getting excited to workout on vacation-- it's a little bit of an escape that makes me feel like I'm back home, so I will wake up early to make it happen and it has a profound effect on my ability to "go with the flow," as dfferent as it might be from "normal." 

If working out is the last thing you want to do on vacation then disguise it! Go hiking, rent bikes in the city, schedule a workout class at a studio, play tennis, or get a partner and make a plan to carve out 30 minutes to do a bodyweight circuit. It doesn't have to be all or nothing!



I purchased some resistance bands before we went overseas because it's easy to get your cardio in with running, stairs, and bodyweight plyometrics, jump rope, etc..... but strength training can be harder! These bands were easy to to use and so versatile while giving me great options for every muscle group (nothing about this is sponsored in any way).

MADELINE MOVES APP- I used the structure of the app to modify my workouts, but having something already planned for me is HUGE when I'm mentally not wanting to be creative.

CANWAY LOOP BANDS: I have the red and black bands

HOPE FITNESS GEAR BANDS: Great to add to lower body exercises to increase glute enagagement and increase the difficulty! (MC10 saves you a little money on your purchase)




I got creative in China with workouts anywhere and everywhere-- outside our hotel, on a hotel balcony, hikes, etc and was able to get in workouts all but one day we were there! 


Bali was easy-- we joined a local gym for a week pass and made it there every day except one where I did a workout by the pool :) 

Hilton Head- Also easy! There was a gym located right outside Palmetto Dunes ans I purchased a week pass, rode my bike to and from every day we were there! 


If I'm being honest, consistency is not my struggle-- I tend to err on the side of finding ways to get a workout in when other things are more important and that's a work in progress. 

Find enjoyable ways to break a sweat each day: I know, I preach this a lot….but I’m a firm believer that when it becomes habit, you will start to reap the benefits. The time excuse shouldn’t cross your mind since we are talking about vacation from work, schedules, and many responsibilities



China was a curveball-- to be honest, I ate the same oatmeal + protein powder (Idealfit) every morning and hoped fo the best with lunch and dinner. There were days I went to bed hungry and days I ate too many protein bars and days I went to bed wishing I had skipped trying something because I was now frequenting the bathroom. Macros were an afterthought, I was just trying to find Subways or things I recognized in food that were absolutely free of small bones.......I love a good crunch, but that's a different category in my opinion. Thankfully, we had wonderful friends who found us good restaurants anytime they were available-- but sometimes they just weren't.

For most of the vacations and travels we do, I just try to balance the inevitable treats and snacks with nutritious meals that will leave you feeling satisfied and on track. Weeks of vacation are not the time to have strict dietary expectations, nor should it be! I do think it’s posible to keep things in perspective and balance with a little effort and understanding of nutrition--


  1. Make a Big Salad for Lunch. Instead of sandwhiches, chips, and tons of fruit--try opting for a big bowl of your favorite vegetables and some lean protein. I looked foward to it every day--I piled it high with raw green beans, carrots, bell peppers, cucumbers and either grilled chicken or deli turkey meat. I skipped dressing (fats) and carbs in an effort to save those calories for dinners out to eat or desserts. This is a simple way to allow more room for things like homemade banana pudding and froyo with everyone that I wanted to enjoy while still getting close to the right proportions of macronutrients.

  2. NUTRIENT TIMING- This year at the beach, I opted for egg white omelets almost every morning and then made my most carb-dense meal post workout (usually a wrap, leftover sweet potatoes, etc) and I found myself so full and not craving the sweets. 

  3. Keep Snacks Protein-Packed- Does anyone else feel like snacks should be freebies? Sometimes I literally forget I’ve eaten a snack 20 minutes later because small meals just shouldn’t count for much, right? WRONG. They add up…..and fast. When I am more mindful about snacking or have specific expectations for a snack, it keeps me fuller much longer. Some of my favorite snacks are Oikos Plain Greek Yogurt (stick it in the freezer for 2-4 hours) with a splash of stevia. It’s SO good! I also had a Good2Go bar or Quest bar every. siingle. day. They are portable and could go with me to the beach or pool and since they literally taste like cookie dough, I didn’t feel like I was missing out when everyone is digging into double stuffed oreos and banana pudding leftovers.

  4. DINNERS- We usually alternated between eating out and having a team make dinner for the group every other night. We always had lots of different meals, but they all are comprised of carbs, fats and proteins-- I know the general breakdown of foods, so I made a plate accordingly. Sometimes I made my own side salad or had my taco on a bed of lettuce instead of tortilla to accomodate for what my needs were, but it all worked! The more you know, the more information trumps emotions about foods and it becomes a little game of tetris. Not hard!

  5. ENJOY Your Vacation- Most of all, don’t overthink, analyze or have guilt about your choices and risk missing out on the memories that come with food and fellowship for any short-term goal you might have. The beautiful thing about a healthy lifestyle is that progress doesn’t have to be perfectly linear and your habits will not be in vain if one week is a little off (or way off) track. The people around your dinner table are much more important than what’s on it, so give them all your attention and love. Your normal workouts, meals and routine will be there waiting for you when you’re ready…’s called vacation for a reason! Your memories and cares should center around people, experiences, and conversations-- all of which can be enhanced by good food. Don't miss out on the opportunities because you're preoccupied with yourself. Make your plate, skip a few things, add a few things, and then eat it. My understanding of nutrition has made me a much more flexible eater and I'm thankful for that!