Christmas is around the corner and this post is going to make those last minute gifts for your fit friends (or yourself) a lot less stressful! Thank goodness for Amazon Prime because Drew and I are getting a little dangerous in our last-minute shopping. I always promise myself I won’t do this and then without fail, I always end up waiting until the last minute to buy gifts!

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Ice Cream Sandwich Cookies

We’ve talked about the method of “counting macros,” and some of the benefits that come along with doing so, but let’s get to the good stuff. Life isn’t meant to be lived eating kale salads every day for the rest of your life, but if I’m being honest--the day I made and enjoyed this recipe, I ate two salads. That’s not a punishment for the cookie, or some weird way to counteract the ice cream, it’s because I understand the breakdown of foods and I needed to eat some lower carb meals in order to fit in that DELICIOUS treat. Loved the ice cream, loved the salads and my intake was the same as any other day…..ahh the beauty of balance.

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